Playing Above the Line: The Behaviours of VIP Leaders

leadership self awareness Jun 14, 2024

Leadership isn't just about directing tasks and managing teams; it's about embodying behaviours that inspire, uplift, and drive excellence. As you strive to elevate the standards of service and create exceptional experiences within your venues, it's crucial for ALL leaders to play "above the line." This mindset shift is captured perfectly in the acronym R.O.A.D, which stands for Responsibility, Ownership, Accountability, and Decisiveness. Our Middle Management Movement program is designed to instil these behaviours in current and emerging leaders, ensuring they are well-equipped to lead with distinction.



The foundation of effective leadership is Responsibility. Leaders who play above the line understand that they are the stewards of their team’s success and wellbeing. They recognise that every action, decision, and interaction contributes to the larger mission. VIP leaders:

  • Embrace Their Role: They acknowledge the gravity of their position and the impact they have on their team and organisation.
  • Foster a Culture of Trust: By taking responsibility for both successes and setbacks, they build an environment where team members feel safe to innovate and collaborate.
  • Lead by Example: They demonstrate integrity and reliability, setting a standard for their teams to follow.

MMM emphasises the importance of leading by example, providing managers with tools to consistently model these positive behaviours.



Ownership is about taking charge of one's responsibilities and seeing them through to completion. It’s about being fully invested in the outcomes and being proactive in addressing challenges. VIP leaders:

  • Take Initiative: They don't wait for others to point out problems; they actively seek solutions and improvements.
  • Own Their Mistakes: When things go wrong, they don’t deflect blame. Instead, they analyse what went wrong and how to prevent it in the future.
  • Celebrate Wins: They recognise and celebrate team achievements, reinforcing the importance of each member’s contributions. MMM includes modules on recognition and reward systems, teaching managers how to effectively celebrate successes and boost team morale.

MMM helps managers to identify opportunities for improvement and to take the initiative in solving problems, developing a proactive mindset. By participating in reflective exercises, managers learn from their mistakes and develop constructive responses to setbacks in the future.



Accountability ensures that leaders and their teams are answerable for their actions and outcomes. It creates a transparent environment where expectations are clear, and everyone is committed to upholding them. VIP leaders:

  • Set Clear Expectations: They communicate goals and standards clearly, ensuring everyone understands their responsibilities.
  • Provide Constructive Feedback: They offer guidance and support to help team members grow and improve, rather than simply pointing out faults.
  • Hold Themselves Accountable: They are the first to adhere to the standards they set, reinforcing their commitment to the team’s success.

MMM provides managers with frameworks for setting clear, achievable goals and communicating them effectively to their teams. They learn techniques for giving constructive feedback to promote growth and development, and strategies to hold themselves and their teams accountable.



Decisiveness is the ability to make timely and informed decisions, even in the face of uncertainty. It involves weighing options, considering potential outcomes, and taking bold steps forward. VIP leaders:

  • Assess Situations Quickly: They gather relevant information and analyse it efficiently to make informed decisions.
  • Trust Their Instincts: While they value data and input, they also trust their experience and intuition when making decisions.
  • Commit to Actions: Once a decision is made, they commit fully to it and lead their team with confidence and clarity.

MMM helps managers learn to quickly assess situations and make informed decisions under pressure, and how to communicate their choices effectively to their teams.

These behaviours are the pillars of effective leadership that transform workplaces and create a culture of excellence. If your leadership team are ready to start playing above the line and leading with purpose, integrity, and unwavering commitment, I’d love to hear from you.