Would you like to be a Customer Service Researcher?

Mystery Shopping is a form of research work whereby an individual poses as a customer to objectively gather information on the business being studied. The information gathered usually focuses upon four main aspects; Marketing, Service, Image and Compliance.

OOPS is a well known and trusted provider of this service since 1994, particularly in the Registered Club Industry and it is the quality of our employees (not contractors) that makes the difference. Our Mystery Snoops are employed by OOPS to report on all aspects of the business whether the industry is; hospitality, automotive, retail, business to business, conducting research over the telephone or in person. To be a part of our team you need to be able to write a report that is objective, detailed and accurate.

We believe “Mystery Shopping” is not about “catching staff out”, but instead it is an opportunity to provide feedback to management on all staff, reflecting both their strengths and weaknesses. We even provide an opportunity for our OOPS Snoops to nominate staff for a Superior Customer Service Award if they believe that the service that they were provided or observed being provided to another is adding value to the overall experience of the interaction. Staff who receive these Awards are over joyed. Being nominated by someone they don’t know and then to be recognised for their service by OOPS and their employer, certainly impacts on their role in the business and with their peers.


  • You must be an Australian Resident over 18 years of age (for Bar and Gaming purposes)
  • You must have an ABN
  • Own a car or have access to public transport (though some of our clients are not accessible by public transport)
  • Internet connection and computer
  • Have excellent writing skills
  • The ability to follow instructions accurately

  • Be contactable and reliable (eg, you keep your commitments and complete assignments by the deadline)

  • A good memory and attention to detail

If you are interested in becoming part of our OOPS Snoop team, please complete the form below. On receipt of your application, we will send you further details on our assignments, prior to you undertaking a Trial Evaluation to establish if you have the skills we and our clients are looking for.

If you have any questions, please feel free to send us an email at [email protected], or refer to the FAQs below.


Apply to join the team at OOPS as a Customer Service Researcher.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you can't find what you're looking for, please send us an email at [email protected] for more information.

You can become a mystery shopper for OOPS by clicking the "Apply Now" button above and submitting your online application form.

Once received, our Admin Team will be in touch to clarify further details and initiate the Trial Report process. 

All our mystery shopping reports are completed online via our proprietary software program, OARS. Each month, mystery shopping visits are posted on the Visit Schedule within OARS and you will receive an email notification advising that the assignments are live.

Once you have nominated your preferred visits, our Admin Team will review the applications from all our "Snoops" and will assign each visit. You will then receive an email and SMS to advise that visits have been allocated. 

If you are happy to travel, you can apply to do any mystery shopping assignment, even while you are on holidays as long as you have access to the internet, can access your OARS dashboard, and can submit your report online and on time. Our reports also attract an additional petrol allowance between $15 - $100 depending on the location of the venue.

The quantity of assignments you will be offered will vary depending on where you live, the distance you are willing to travel, the quality of your work, your reliability and commitment to deadlines. It could vary from 1 - 4 assignments per month, sometimes more or less.

The majority of our visits will take 2 - 3 hours to obtain the required information on the premises. We also offer smaller scale reports that require 1.5 - 2 hours onsite to complete. However, you also need to consider the time taken to read the instructions before completing the assignment and the time to submit your results online after you do the assignment. In total this may add another 30 - 60 minutes or more to an assignment.

The report fee varies depending on the requirements of an assignment. You will be advised of the report fees for each client upon commencement. Generally, payment will be between $50 and $100 per shop. The pay rate is determined by the complexity of the assignment, length of time taken to complete the shop and the evaluation. In addition, you will also receive a Bar, Gaming and Petrol allowance, as well as reimbursement (up to a nominated amount) for your Food and Membership purchases.

Yes, you will be required to purchase food and beverages, and sign up for membership throughout the course of your visit. You will also be required to use the gaming facilities at most of our venues. These purchases/expenses will be paid as a reimbursement or allowance following the completion of your monthly reports. Upon commencement, you will receive a full Schedule of Payments outlining the various allowances (Bar, Gaming & Petrol) and the maximum amount you will be reimbursed for specific purchases (Bistro, Coffee Shop & Membership). These sums are paid in addition to your report fee.

As a mystery shopper, you will work for OOPS as an independent contractor. This means that you are not an employee of OOPS, and will not be paid holiday pay, sick leave, superannuation, workers compensation, or other employee entitlements. The report fee per assignment, plus any relevant allowances or reimbursements, is the full payment that you will receive. You are expected to cover any other costs associated with you completing the mystery shopping assignments.

When you sign up to become a mystery shopper you will need to send your bank details to our Admin Team at [email protected]. This is so we can pay you for the mystery shopping assignments you have completed. Payment is made via EFT into your bank account on the 14th of each month.

You obligation is to send an invoice via email for the assignments undertaken during the month with attached receipts.

As an Australian mystery shopper, you will also need to provide us with either an ABN (Australian Business Number).

As you are a mystery shopping contractor and not an employee, an annual Statement of Earnings or Group Certificate is NOT provided at the end of the financial year. As a contractor, it is your responsibility to keep records of all work you carry out for OOPS. This includes all fees and allowances/reimbursements that we pay you. You will have access to a full Schedule of Payments on commencement. We also recommend you keep your own records of the work you have undertaken with us, for example in a spreadsheet program like Excel.

Please consult the Tax Office or an accountant for information regarding allowable deductions and how long you need to keep these records.

Payment for successfully completed reports will be made directly into your nominated bank account on the 14th of the month following your assignment. For example, if you complete a visit any time in January, you can expect payment on the 14th of February. 

Please ensure you forward your bank details to our Admin Team as soon as possible following the completion of a successful trial. We cannot pay you until your bank details (and your ABN) are received and updated in our payment platform.

Payments are made on received invoices from you.

In the current climate it can be difficult to navigate through the scams versus real mystery shopping companies offering opportunities to earn money.

To ensure you are dealing with a legitimate business that has real work opportunities, we suggest the following:

  1. Ensure the business has an ABN. You can search online for an ABN here. Our ABN number is ABN 62 097 258 823.

  2. Check to see if the business is part of a professional body. OOPS is a proud member of the MSPA. All members of this association follow a Code of Ethics and work within guidelines that have helped raise the level of professionalism across the Mystery Shopping Industry.

  3. Check out the mystery shopping company’s website and social media pages such as Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. Our Founder and CEO, Michelle Pascoe, started this business since 1994 and has worked with hundreds of clients throughout the Registered Club, broader hospitality, and other industries.


Since 1999, we've built long-term relationships through continuous recommendations and referrals, establishing ourselves as a trusted authority across various industries, with a special focus on the Hospitality sector (Registered Club Industry).

Our Clients Success is Our Priority

At the core of our mission is the performance of our clients organisations. We immerse ourselves in every aspect of their business to provide real-time feedback that truly impacts their customers and, ultimately.

Introducing OARS: Our Proprietary Reporting Software

OARS is more than just a reporting tool; it's a gateway to understanding our clients customer interactions and service functions. With audit data available online within 24 hours of each visit, our clients gain full visibility over every aspect of their operations, ensuring they can make timely, informed decisions.

Tailored to Our Clients Needs

Our audit scope, question inventory, and reporting system are customisable to suit our clients. Our reports offer both objective analysis supported by comprehensive statistics and graphical interpretations, and subjective analysis through our unique “Mapping of the Journey” approach. This allows our clients to see the customer experience through the eyes of our trained team as they interact with our clients team and facilities.

Our Team

With over 25 years of experience providing detailed reports to our clients through our proprietary software, we are looking for passionate individuals to join our team of dedicated "OOPS Snoops." Our mystery shoppers play a crucial role in delivering real-time feedback on customer interactions and service standards, helping businesses enhance their guest experience.

Some of our team members have been with us for decades, while others are just starting their journey—but every single one of them enjoys the variety and flexibility this role offers. Whether it's a side hustle, a rewarding post-retirement activity, or even a first job, mystery shopping with us is an opportunity to make a real impact while being paid for your insights.

Our work primarily focuses on the Registered Club Industry in NSW, so to join our team, you must be over 18 years old. Since not all of our clients are accessible via public transport, having access to a vehicle is essential. We are looking for individuals who are highly observant, can follow detailed instructions, and possess strong report-writing skills. Additionally, as a contractor, you will need to have an ABN.

Each mystery shop includes a meal for two, along with various allowances and payments to ensure you experience all aspects of our clients' facilities. Some assignments may also involve gambling within a restricted dollar limit to assess service standards in gaming areas.

If you have an eye for detail, enjoy providing insightful feedback, and are excited about the opportunity to shape customer experiences, we’d love to hear from you!


50% Complete

Two Step

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